Sunday, January 3, 2010

Safety Travel Tip #1

Many travelers have gone abroad and used backpacks or small packs to hold their personal belongings. These backpacks are very comfortable to use, and convenient. But it can also be risky carrying one around. Often times, travelers will place their most important articles from passport, money, credit cards, and gadgets.

Anytime travelers use backpacks, and not familiar with the place, it’s highly advisable to always pay attention to your surroundings. Pick-pocket is very common for the un-attentive travelers. Especially when walking in the busy street, it’s common for travelers to be robbed while standing and waiting to cross the street. Robbers would usually open the backpack carefully, while the un-attentive traveler is just waiting to cross the street.

In general, it’s good practice to keep your most important articles close to where you can see them. Wear the backpack in front of you, so everything is in visible sight. Or, get a small pad lock, and try and lock the zippers together. (See video sample below) But this is still not full proof, as there is a chance they can still cut underneath the backpack, with a knife.
Overall, when traveling, it’s always good to be aware, and get as much safety information about the country and area.

When students study abroad, not only will they participate in learning Spanish, but often times, they will also explore the town or city. Safety tips are usually advised to students prior to participating in walking tours, or going around shopping.

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